I've read the book: 'The Purpose Driven Life' a couple of years ago but I didn't really understand the meaning of it as I was not matured yet and didn't really experience the presence of God in me. (it doesn't mean I'm matured now :D)
As the time goes by and when I re-read this book from the beginning Day 1, it's so amazing and I feel like God's speaking to me through every single sentence and the impact is tremendously invaluable.
When I reached to the chapter: Day 13 (the particular title is "Worship that pleases God"), I just couldn't stay without praising God on the spot because God showed me a solution which I've been searching for.
I come from a very traditional Baptist background. As I get older and lots of things also just keep on changing in my life. I have been moving from one place after another where God wants me to be. Then, I'd joined churches with different denominations. Yet, I am so used to and just stitch to my old traditional worship style that I feel uneasy in clapping hands, praising out loud, speaking other tongues, etc. though I only try to focus on the sermons. And sometimes, I even felt like I might be closer to God, be happier and feel free in worshiping the Lord if I could be in a church standing and sitting modestly in a pew, singing hymns,... Anyway, I still wanted to be clear with God and to myself regarding to this fact.
After going through the whole chapter 13... ...
... Your biggest distraction in worship is yourself - your interests and your worries over what others think about you.
... Christians often differ on the most appropriate or authentic way to express praise to God, but these arguments usually just reflect personality and background differences.
... The best style of worship is the one that most authentically represents your love for God, based on the background and personality God gave you.
... Many Christians seem stuck in a worship rut - an unsatisfying routine - instead of having a vibrant friendship with God, because they force themselves to use devotional methods or worship styles that don't fit the way God uniquely shaped them.
... There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to worship and friendship with God. One thing is certain: You don't bring glory to God by trying to be someone he never intended you to be. God wants you to be yourself."That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship."
... Christians often differ on the most appropriate or authentic way to express praise to God, but these arguments usually just reflect personality and background differences.
... The best style of worship is the one that most authentically represents your love for God, based on the background and personality God gave you.
... Many Christians seem stuck in a worship rut - an unsatisfying routine - instead of having a vibrant friendship with God, because they force themselves to use devotional methods or worship styles that don't fit the way God uniquely shaped them.
... There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to worship and friendship with God. One thing is certain: You don't bring glory to God by trying to be someone he never intended you to be. God wants you to be yourself."That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship."
That's it. That's what I wanted to know. God is great. He knows me well. He knows my every single thought and He reveals the solution of my puzzle at the right time. :)